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Stop flirting with my mom! Of or related to flirting. When scientists studied flirting couples at a hotel bar, they saw. 【調情】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:philander調戲,玩弄女性;romp嬉笑玩鬧; 歡快地迅速奔跑; [俚]輕易地取勝,不費力地完成;flirt調情,打情罵俏; 玩弄; 輕率地對待; 擺. 《炮仔聲》女星激吻有婦之夫「揉耳調情」 網一看秒懂:原諒小三! ETtoday影劇 ETtoday新聞雲 調情 英文 . When scientists studied flirting couples at a hotel bar, they saw. Of or related to flirting. 蓡考例句: the grotesque sight of an old man trying to flirt with a young girl. Stop flirting with my mom! 【調情】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:philander調戲,玩弄女性;romp嬉笑玩鬧; 歡快地迅速奔跑; [俚]輕易地取勝,不費力地完成;flirt調情,打情罵俏; 玩弄; 輕率地對待; 擺. Have fallen for someone hard 暈船. Stop Flirting With My Mom! 【調情】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:philander調戲,玩弄女性;romp嬉笑玩鬧; 歡快地迅速奔跑; [俚]輕易地取勝,不費力地完成;flirt調情,打情罵俏; 玩弄; 輕率地對待; 擺. Have fallen for someone hard 暈船. 蓡考例句: the grotesque sight of an old man trying to flirt with a young girl. When Scientists Studied Flirting Couples At A Hotel Bar, They Saw. 調情(英語: flirting ),古稱調光 、拿情 、做光、討探,今俗稱撩,是一種挑動情意的人際行為,指含情地挑逗、取悅或魅惑別人,以使之春心蕩漾。 調情透過語言、文字、神情或肢体语言...
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