履行 英文

Row 2 (排行) seniority among brothers and sisters:你行幾? 债务已经按照约定履行 (a debt has been performed according to the agreement by the parties);. 履行法律协议 execute one's obligations under the pertinent laws; Step on 2 (履行) fulf.行:

履行 英文

履行 英文. It's time to redeem that vow! Fulfil perform fulfill meet carry out implement deliver live up implementation performance fulfilment compliance fulfillment execution. “履行地”又叫“清偿地”或“给付地” ,英文以 place of performance 或 place of discharge 表述。. 履行法律协议 execute one's obligations under the pertinent laws; 债务已经按照约定履行 (a debt has been performed according to the agreement by the parties);. Performance of a contract [obligation];

“履行地”又叫“清偿地”或“给付地” ,英文以 Place Of Performance 或 Place Of Discharge 表述。.

Row 2 (排行) seniority among brothers and sisters:你行幾? Fulfil perform fulfill meet carry out implement deliver live up implementation performance fulfilment compliance fulfillment execution. 履行法律协议 execute one's obligations under the pertinent laws;

Performance Of A Contract [Obligation];

It's time to redeem that vow! 剑桥字典的解释是:「start using a plan or system」,也就是开始. Carry out 履行法律協議 execute one's obligations under the pertinent laws;

债务已经按照约定履行 (A Debt Has Been Performed According To The Agreement By The Parties);.

Step on 2 (履行) fulf.行: Ⅰ名1 (鞋) shoe 2 (腳步) footstep ⅱ動詞1 (踩;

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